
Machining Processing Stages and processes of the arrangements

Machining Processing Stages and processes of the arrangements
  Often a part of many apparent need for processing, of course, the surface machining accuracy are different. Processing of high precision surface, often after repeated processing;Cnc machining  As for the processing of the surface of low precision, only need to go through one or two on the list. Thus, when the development process in order to seize the “processing high precision surface,”this conflict, the reasonable arrangement processes and rational division stage of processing. Arrange the order of the principle of process is: after the first coarse refined, the first surface after the hole, the first benchmark other. In the engine block machining, the same should follow this principle
 (1) roughing stage engine block machining process, the arrangements for roughing process, to fully carry out rough rough, trim most of the margin in order to ensure production efficiency; 
 (2) semi-finishing phase of the engine block machining, in order to ensure the accuracy of some important surface processing, and arrange some semi-finishing operations, will be required accuracy and surface roughness of the surface of the middle of some processing to complete, while demanding the surface of semi-finished, to prepare for future finishing; 
(3) The finishing stage of requiring high accuracy and surface roughness of the surface processing;
 (4) secondary processing, such as small surface screw holes, you can finish of the major surface after the one hand, when the workpiece deformation process little impact at the same time also reduced the rejection rate; In addition, if the main surface of a waste, Cnc machining  these small the surface will not have to be processed, thus avoiding a waste of man-hours. However, if the processing is very easy for a small surface bumps the main surface, it should be placed on a small surface finish prior to the main surface finishing;
 (5) should make proper arrangements for secondary processes such as product inspection process, in part roughing stage, the key process before ining Processing Stages and processTand after processing, spare parts all the processing has been completed, should be appropriate arrangements.   

  Stage of processing division, has the following advantage Cnc machining  to ensure accuracy; second, finishing on the back, and will not damage during transport the surface of the workpiece has been processed; again, first roughing the surface defects can be detected early and promptly deal with rough, do not waste working hours. But most small parts, do not sub very thin.

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