
Electric spark forming processing theory trend of development

Electric spark forming processing theory trend of development
Precision wire cuttingIn recent years, the electric spark forming processing basic theory research not yet made the substantive progress, although some scholars to the processing process electric discharge trace, the material eclipse eliminated the principle and so on to propose some new views, but obtained the significant breakthrough by no means in the electric spark machining mechanism research aspect. The more active research area mainly concentrates in the processing craft theory and the control theory aspect.
  Precision wire cuttingIn the processing craft fundamental research aspect, how does the research hot spot mainly is enhance the electric spark forming processing the surface quality and the processing speed, reduces the loss, the development electric spark machining scope, as well as exploration complex, tiny structure processing method and so on. Will apply through the research results in the production practice, will comprehensively enhance the electric spark forming processing workability. In the control fundamental research aspect, the intelligent control always is the research key. The domestic and foreign production new electric spark forming processing engine bed mostly has used the intelligent control technology, this technical application makes the engine bed operation to be easier, requests to the operator lowly. At the same time, the intelligence control system has from the learning capability, but the online automatic monitor, the adjustment processing process, realizes the processing process optimized control.
 Although the electric spark forming processing fundamental research in aspects and so on basic theory, processing craft theory, control theory all has certain development and the enhancement, but the processing craft theory, the control theory need to obtain the further full scale development, must have the breakthrough in the entire electric discharge process mechanism research. Therefore, the electric spark forming processing fundamental research trend of development will be further is discussing the processing craft theory and the control theory, enhances the electric spark forming processing workability and the processing scope, obtains the better control effect at the same time, key research electric discharge process mechanism.
 The electric spark forming processing mechanism research has not made the unprecedented progress the primary cause except outside the electric discharge process itself complexity, randomness, but also because the research technique and the method lack the innovation. Therefore, it is necessary to profit from other research area the success experience, directs the human advanced research technique and the experimental technology, the victory tradition research technique limitation, the deep person analysis and the revelation entire electric discharge process intrinsic essence, the establishment may reflect objectively the electric discharge process rule the theoretical model, instructs the electric spark forming processing craft theory and the control theory research, but the computer simulation technical possibilities realizes this process effective tool
 electric spark forming processing equipment structure improvement
  Precision wire cutting The model modern machining engine bed development experience, the electric spark forming processing equipment develops to the numerical control direction is a irreversible tendency. On the one hand should by the high accuracy, the high velocity, change into the pursue goal automatically, seizes the market by the technical superiority; On the other hand should consider fully the equipment the performance price compared to, through to the engine bed function reasonable localization, makes the structure improvement and the modular design, uses the open numerical control system, enhances rationality which the engine bed designs, provides by the lowest price and the enough function to the user may satisfy each kind of electric spark forming processing engine bed which the different processing needs.

  Modern machining technological development impact, before suits uses the electric spark machining a part of processing domain to substitute gradually for the machining way. But, the modern science and technology development proposed to the components manufacture precision a higher request, each kind of high performance material application is day by day widespread, simultaneously, some components structure tends to the complication, the microminiaturization, thinly, this all causes the machining technology to be restricted in certain processing domain application, but these are exactly the electric spark forming processing technical superiority, also is it has the existing space and the development potential reality basis.
 Precision wire cutting

