
Hydraulic System

Hydraulic System
  CNC machining parts The history of hydraulic power is a long onedating from mans prehistoric efforts to harness the energy in the world around himThe only sources readily available were the water and the windtwo free and moving streams.
  The watermillthe first hydraulic motorwas an early invention·  One is pictured on a mosaic at the Great Palace in Byzantiumdating from the early fifth century·The mill had been built by the Romans  But the first record of a watermill goes back even further,  to around 100 BCand the origins may indeed have been much earlier·The domestication of grain began some 5000 years before and some enterprising farmer is bound to have become tired of pounding or grinding the grain by handPerhaps  in factthe inventor was some
farmers wifesince she often drew the heavy jobs·
 CNC machining parts Manv mills staved in use until the end of the 19th centurybut they had been in the  process of being replaced by the Steam engine as a source of power for the previous 150  yearsThe transmission of the power generated by the waterwheels was by shafting and  crude gears or pulleysThe steam engine for the first time employed an enclosed moving
 stream of fluid(steam) under pressure—the principle to be later employed in hydraulic  power transmission—for transmitting power continuously from the point of generation to  the place where it was used·
  The transmission of hydrostatic power to a distant point began long before that,however Hero of A1exandriain the first century ADbuilt a device in which a fire on the temple  altar expanded air in a closed containerThe air pressure forced water to travel along a tube
 to the temple doors wherespilling into a containerit provided the force through ropes and  pulleys to magically open the doors
  Hero also produced a steam engine of sorts
 Its motion depended on the reaction forces   from jets of steamas in the present steam turbinebut it was little understood and it was no   more than an interesting curiosity·
  The invention of early forms of the hydraulic pump has a similarly early origin·The first pumps were not used to develop hydraulic powerhowever' but only to transfer water for  irrigation or to remove it from mines
 Archimedes applied the principle of the screw to hydraulic machines in the third century BC 
 His screw pumps were used to raise water for irrigation or to the level of aqueducts·The piston   pumpthe first mechanical device capable of generating pressure in a column of liquidis believed to have come from Egypt at a similarly early dateLike the screw pumpit was used only as a means for moving water and not as a means for generating hydraulic power·
  In more recent years the role of leadership in hydraulic power application has been taken over largely by some of the larger earthmoving and construction equipment manufacturers the total Power involved is often greater than that required in even the largest aircraft systemsthe concentration of this power in a few very large loadsas compared to the multitude of smaller loads in an airplanehas spurred the system designer to find newcreative ways to distribute and control the powerThis he has succeeded in doing to obtain maximum precision of control and productivity while minimizing power consumption
  in modern mobile and industrial applicationsthe system designer has made full use of the wonderful flexibiIity and adaptability of hydraulics  It can readily be directed around corners and past involving joints that virtually defy mechanical power transmission  It can be divided easily to serve individual loads or recombined to power a highsingleload demand Electrical and pneumatic power distribution have similar flexibilitybut lack the compactness
 and certain of the other important characteristics of hydraulics
   CNC machining parts A very significant feature of hydraulic power is its extreme power density Fig1 01 shows a comparison of a 400 hP(1hp=0·7457kW)hydraulic pumping source with a diesel engine and an electrical motor of the same power capacityThe contrast is obvious and is one that otters both an opportunity to the user of hydraulic power and a challenge to the designer
 of hydraulic components.

  The highpower density in a hydraulic pump or motor creates design challenges beyond those found in many other products·High loads on rapidly sliding surfacesextreme fluid   velocities and rapidly recurring pressure applications on pumping elements(vanespistons   gears) demand careful design attention to assure long lifecomplete reliability and efficient operation·The user,on the other handreaps the benefit of a family of apparatus that is highly responsivefinely controllable and simple to applyWhen the designer understands the users needs and the user understands the equipments full capabilitiesthe maximum  potential of hydraulic power can be achieved

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