Machine parts Limits and Tolerances
Machine parts are manufactured so they are interchangeable. China CNC machining In other words, each part of a machine or mechanism is made to a certain size and shape so will fit into any other machine or mechanism of the same type. To make the part interchangeable, each individual part must be made to a size that will fit the mating part in the correct way. It is not only impossible, but also impractical to make many parts to an exact size. This is because machines are not perfect, and the tools become worn. A slight variation from the exact size is always allowed. The amount of this variation depends on the kind of part being manufactured. For examples part might be made 6 in. long with a variation allowed of 0.003 (three-thousandths) in. above and below this size.
Therefore, the part could be 5.997 to 6.003
in. and still be the correct size. These are known as the limits. The
difference between upper and lower limits is called the tolerance
A tolerance is the total permissible variation in the size of a part.
The basic size is that size from which limits of size arc derived by the application of allowances and tolerances.
Sometimes the limit is allowed in only one direction.China CNC machining This is known as unilateral tolerance. Unilateral tolerancing is a system of dimensioning where the tolerance (that is variation) is shown in only one direction from the nominal size. Unilateral tolerancing allow the changing of tolerance on a hole or shaft without seriously affecting the fit.
When the tolerance is in both directions from the basic size it is known as a bilateral tolerance (plus and minus).
Bilateral tolerancing is a system of dimensioning where the tolerance (that is variation) is split and is shown on either side of the nominal size.China CNC machining Limit dimensioning is a system of dimensioning where only the maximum and minimum dimensions arc shown. Thus, the tolerance is the difference between these two dimensions.