
PLC control of the knife random mode of election

PLC control of the knife random mode of election
 Common methods of automatic election knife
 Cnc machining Automatic control of the knife CNC refers to the system after the implementation of user instructions on the knife library automation process, including the process to find knives and automatic tool change . CNC Machining Center device (CNC) directive issued by the election knife , a knife, the tool required to take the knife position, said the election automatic knife. automatically elected knife There are two ways: random sequence election knives and knife election method.
 order election knife 
 Tool Selection order is Cnc machining  the process tool according to the sequence of the insert knife, the use of knives in order to take place, used knives back at the original knife, can also order Add Block, a knife. In this way, no need Tool identification devices, and drive control is a relatively simple, reliable and can be used directly from the points of the knife machinery to achieve. But the knives in each of the tool in different processes can not be reused, if the tool is installed in accordance with the order of the knife, there will be serious consequences. The need to increase the number of knives and knife the capacity of the tool and reduce the utilization of the knife.
 Random election knife 
  Random election under the knife is arbitrary instructions to select the required tools, then there must be tool identification devices. Tool knife in the library do not have the processing in accordance with the order of the workpiece can be arbitrary storage. Each of the tool (or knife blocks) are for a code, automatic tool change, the rotary cutter, every tool have been the "tool identification device" acceptable identification. When CNC tool code and the code in line with directives of the tool selected, the rotary cutter knives will be sent to the ATC position, waiting to grab manipulator. Random knife election is the advantage of the cutter knife in the order has nothing to do with the processing sequence, the same tool can be used repeatedly. Therefore, the relatively small number of knives, knife the corresponding smaller. Random elections knife on the tool must be coded to identify. There are three main coding.  
   1. Tool coding. Adopt special knife handle structure coding, the drawbars on the knife handle back-end packages such as spacing of the coding part of the lock-nut fixed. Coding diameter ring diameter of a size two, respectively, said that binary "1" and "0" to the two rings are different, can be a series of code. For example, there are six small diameter of the ring can be made to distinguish between 63 (26-1 = 63) of the coding tool. All of 0 normally not allowed to use the code, to avoid the cutter knife Block did not confuse the situation.     
 2. Knife Block coding. On the knife Block coding, coding tool, and tool into line with the number of knives in the Block. ATC knife when the rotation, so that each knife seats followed through knowledge knife, knife found blocks, knives stopped the rotation. At this time there is no knife handle encoding part of the knife handle simplified.   
  3. Annex coding methods. This style of coding keys, Cnc machining coded cards, coding and coding-disc, which is the most widely used coding keys. First toknives are attached to a tool of the show wrapped coding keys, and when the cutter knife to the store at knife in, so put the number of keys to remember knife Block Road, will be inserted into key to the coding Block next to the key hole in the seat for the knife to the numbers.

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